Thursday, November 27, 2014

November 15 Update: Ebola and Colloidal Silver

I have mixed emotions posting this update. It vindicates those of us who believe that colloidal silver has a positive and effective benefit in treating Ebola. It's why we feel that EVERYONE needs to be making colloidal silver at home.

But it also condemns the FDA, the CDC and the WHO, who are sadly ruled by Big Pharma and their demands of profits, and by their actions, are killing untold thousands in Africa by their actions.

I urge you to read this article from a newspaper in Sierra Leone. Colloidal silver IS WORKING to help people in Sierra Leone and 3 other African countries recover from Ebola. Yet, colloidal silver products have been blocked from entering these countries.

The frustration and condemnation by the author of this article squarely blames motives for profits from these US governmental and international agencies in preventing colloidal silver from entering their countries to treat this disease.

Big Pharma's motives became so obvious to them that the government of Sierra Leone has stepped in to force allowing colloidal silver into the country, because in their minds, any potentially significantly viable treatment should be allowed to be tested. They cannot understand why a potential successful treatment for this plague should be blocked by America and the World Health Organization.

This was a HUGE wake-up call for me. It probably will be a wake-up call for you too. And it should send the message to you that, if you do nothing else for you and your family's health, you need to have the means to make colloidal silver at home for you and those you love.

Afterthought: We shipped 2 of our battery kits to Canadian and Australian international Christian workers in Sierra Leone back in September (see their feedback at the top of our battery generator page). My heart would be full if we found out that the collodial silver they are producing has been shared with others in Sierra Leone who are in need, and could be making the difference in the health of others in their community, bringing to light the amazing potential of colloidal silver to the government's attention.

Come visit us. Our complete small-particle colloidal silver generators are $59.

Take care. Get healthy. Stay healthy. Be healthy.

Colloidal Silver and Ebola: Treading carefully

We can no longer post any information regarding colloidal silver and the Ebola virus on our website due to the threat of criminal charges by the FDA.

We can no longer tell you about the study quietly conducted by the Department of Defense in 2009, where colloidal silver prevented the Ebola virus from replicating during in vitro lab tests.

We can only legally tell you that Colloidal Silver is NOT a cure for Ebola.

We CAN tell you that a strong immune system is probably your most powerful tool in stopping the disease if you are in contact with it. You will read that 50% of patients survive the Ebola virus because of their healthy immune system.

It has been shown that colloidal silver will enhance the effectiveness of your immune system. Regardless of your position regarding colloidal silver and the Ebola virus, you need to be making your own colloidal silver.

We offer complete kits for $59. We also offer very affordable components to begin making small-particle colloidal silver at home. Visit us:

(Read about the FDA crackdown on companies claiming to offer natural alternative cures.)

So take care. Get healthy. Stay healthy. Be healthy.

Monday, September 1, 2014

UK Study: Colloidal Silver "as Effective as Cisplatin" in Treating Cancers

Wonderful, powerful article in a major UK newspaper describing the potential benefits of colloidal silver more effective than chemotherapy with certain types of cancers.

Silver bullet for cancer: Metal can kill some tumours better than chemotherapy with fewer side effects


Silver can kill some cancers as effectively as chemotherapy and with potentially fewer side effects, new research claims. Scientists say that old wives tales about the precious metal being a ‘silver bullet’ to beat the Big C could be true. The metal already has a wide range of medicinal uses and is a common antiseptic, antibiotic and means of purifying water in the third world.

Good news: Silver can kill some cancers as effectively as chemotherapy and with potentially fewer side effects, new research has claimed

And British researchers now say that silver compounds are as effective at killing certain cancer cells as a leading chemotherapy drug, but with potentially far fewer side-effects.

They compared it to Cisplatin, currently used to treat a wide variety of cancers, but known to have harsh side effects including nausea, vomiting and even kidney damage.

Silver is used already in everyday products such as deodorant with no known side-effects, and could make for a potentially cheaper alternative to platinum-based Cisplatin. 
Researchers from the University of Leeds conducted lab tests which exposed breast and colon cancer cells to various silver-based chemicals over a six day period.

Results, published in journal Dalton Transactions, showed that these silver-compounds were ‘as effective as Cisplatin’ at killing cancer with potentially fewer side effects.

While the team are still unsure about how exactly silver battles cancer, they think its effectiveness may be caused by the structure surrounding silver atoms, known as its ligand.

Way forward: Researchers from the University of Leeds found that silver could be used to help defeat breast cancer

They think this may help release the silver ion into cells when it enters the body, killing any cancer.

Study author Dr Charlotte Willans plans to spend the next year looking closely at what effect silver has on both cancerous and healthy cells, and whether it could be a safe and effective new anti-cancer drug.

She said: 'It’s certainly an exciting discovery, although I think we have a lot of work to do in the future. It opens the doors in terms of what we can do and investigate.

'Getting these results also gives us the opportunity we need to apply for funding to take the research further. This could lead to a cheaper, less toxic alternative to current treatments for cancer.' Explaining the research in greater detail, Dr Willans added: 'As many are unfortunately aware, chemotherapy can be a very gruelling experience for the patient.

'Finding effective, yet non-toxic drugs is an ongoing problem, but these preliminary results are an important step in solving it.

'Our research has looked at the structure which surrounds a central silver atom. This "shrubbery" is what determines how reactive it is and what it will interact with.

'Our research has used different types of these ligands to see which is the most effective against cancer cells.'

You really can make stable, highest-quality, effective colloidal silver at home. Our basic complete colloidal silver kits start at just $59. We hope you'll visit us!

Colloidal Silver Use with Horses

The benefits of using Colloidal Silver products for horse and rider.

I get a lot of questions about using colloidal silver when treating horses. This is a great beginning article to get your started, by

Using a natural alternative when your horse is not well or in transition to barefoot is important for the overall health of your horse. Colloidal Silver is one of the best natural healing products you can use on your horse and is particularly helpful as a supportive therapy during a transition period to barefoot.

In this article, find out more about how Colloidal Silver works and how to use it.

How Does Colloidal Silver Actually Work?

Colloidal Silver is known as an immune enhancer. Silver works by disabling the oxygen-metabolizing enzyme that one-celled bacteria, fungi and viruses use to reproduce themselves. The disease causing pathogen therefore suffocates and dies and is eliminated via the normal channels. Resistant strains have never been known to develop unlike antibiotics which are effective against only about a dozen forms of bacteria and fungi, but never viruses.

Colloidal Silver has been tested and shown to be effective against more than 650 different disease causing pathogens. None of these organisms were found to survive in the presence of minute amounts of silver.

Medical research in the early 1900's indicated that silver is taken up and stored by the kupfer cells in the liver. These same cells are one of the body's defense mechanisms against infection. They could be expected to engulf invading infectious organisms and bring them into intimate contact with their stored silver. This is a different mechanism of defense and it appears there may be some basis for researching silver as a preventative and treatment of infectious disease.

How Do I Use Colloidal Silver?

You can use Colloidal Silver externally or internally. Larger animals are best dosed with a plastic syringe for the initial 5 day booster dose for acute illness. The following 2.5ml daily dose may be added to food or water placed in a plastic container or bucket.

Colloidal Silver works well when given as an ajunct to a healthy diet. Silver levels in the body are commonly very low especially in animals contracting illnesses, suggesting that our soils are seriously deficient in the mineral.

One 500ml bottle of 10 parts per million colloidal silver, given as suggested used as a yearly booster is recommended to assist in keeping general immunity high. Prevention is the best medicine.

Colloidal Silver can be used against viral, bacterial and fungal infections and works best when it comes into direct contact with the pathogen for at least 6 minutes. As the disease producing organisms are destroyed they need to be eliminated from the body through normal channels. It is important therefore to make sure the animal you are treating has access to plenty of clean water at all times and is encouraged to drink as much as possible. Some animals will drink water to which Colloidal Silver has been added seemingly knowing it to be beneficial.

Large wounds, absesses or other skin irritations can be washed or sprayed with Colloidal Silver (plastic spray bottle top available for ease of application), then the healing topical cream applied.

Colloidal Silver has shown dramatic results in the case of very young animals such as foals and calves scouring. Given with a syringe twice daily it has the most beneficial effect. It has been observed that many animals gain weight and energy following a course of Colloidal Silver suggesting that their general wellbeing is enhanced.

Symptoms such as coughs and colds, hoof absesses and eye infections respond best by administration of a high dosage for 5 days followed by the daily recommended allowance.

Great results have been noted when using Colloidal Silver for 'Seedy Toe', over-reach injury in horses and for greasy heel infections - allow the area to be soaked in Colloidal Silver for 6 minutes before applying the Healing Cream.


You really can make stable, highest-quality, effective colloidal silver at home. Our basic complete colloidal silver kits start at just $59. We hope you'll visit us!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Get Rid of "Patchy Summer Skin" Instantly with Colloidal Silver

If you spend a lot of time outdoors during the summer months, whether it's working in the garden or at the
lake or in the pool, you may have developed a very common skin issue causing "patchy summer skin."

Patchy summer skin can become unsightly, because you as early as the day following your sun exposure, white patches appear on your back, arms and chest.

What is this condition? Should I be alarmed?

According to One form of white patchy skin, and the one most common in our household and in our part of the country, is called tinea versicolor.


. . . This is a mild, superficial fungal infection, somewhat similar to ringworm (true ringworm can also result in white patches). Since the affected skin doesn't change color well with sun exposure, it usually becomes apparent as white patches during the summer months. In the winter it may seem to disappear, or even seem to become slightly darkened patches as the surrounding skin gets paler (this is where the name versicolor comes from).

Tinea versicolor is most common in adolescents and young adults 15 to 30 years old (although it can certainly happen at any age). The infection is chronic and recurs easily, but it causes no other health problems. People are most susceptible to the fungus during hot months in humid areas. Taking steroids, excessive sweating, wearing tight-fitting clothing, and chronic illness can all predispose a person to tinea versicolor, but someone without any of these factors can still get this mild infection.

While there are a variety of articifial and pharmaceutical ways to treat this condition, know that if you are using colloidal silver, you have the remedy to patchy summer skin right in your kitchen cabinet!

When we developed this condition in our household years ago, we began treating with colloidal silver.

Colloidal silver is the simplest, safest, toxin-free remedy to treat summer patchy skin (tinea versicolor)!

There are a couple of effective ways to apply the colloidal silver to tinea versicolor:

1. Simply pour some colloidal silver onto a folded paper towel. Wipe the generously moistened areas of your skin with colloidal silver. Allow to dry.
2  Spray the affected areas with a mister bottle containing collodial silver. Rub the collodial silver into the areas for a few seconds. Allow to dry.

We found that a single application eliminated the problem. Redness and itchiness disappeared immediately. And by the following weekend's activities, the lighter areas began acquiring color.

We sell all sorts of sprayers, bottles, misters and dispensers on our website.

Enjoy your summer!
And don't let "patchy summer skin" ever be a bother again!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

5 Steps I Use to Cure the Common Cold Within Hours by Using Colloidal Silver

You're probably already sold on the amazing, healthful qualities of colloidal silver. And you probably have your own personal testimonial and story. No doubt you've shared your story with others.

So, what better testimonial for the power of effective, stable colloidal silver made from home could I write about than how I cure a common cold within hours of experiencing symptoms.

That's what I'm writing about here.

These are the 5 simple steps I use to eliminate the common cold within hours.

NOTE: Below is a PERSONAL TESTIMONIAL regarding effective usage of colloidal silver based on years of this website author's safe colloidal silver usage. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are in no way intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Step 1: I start using colloidal silver FAST--as soon as I notice symptoms

I have learned from experience that the longer I wait to begin taking colloidal silver to treat my symptoms, the longer it will take to become symptom-free. And it appears to take on almost a mathematical formula that basically goes like this: The number of days I wait to take colloidal silver = 2 x the number of days to become symptom free. (So even if I start taking colloidal silver much later, I am extremely confident that I will shorten the lifespan of the cold.)

 I start taking colloidal silver as soon as I experience symptoms: aches, sinus stuffiness, sneezing fits, chest congestion, etc.

It is so important to me to start colloidal silver as soon as symptoms appear that I keep colloidal silver tucked away everywhere I spend time (at home, at work, etc).

Now, this requires that your colloidal silver be high quality and quite stable. The colloidal silver produced by the generators on this site continues to remain stable and effective through months of storage. We've tested our colloidal silver  as long as 8 months after production, and the colloidal silver has remained just as stable and effective as it was the day it was produced.

Step 2: I use colloidal silver OFTEN during onset of any any sumptoms--as often as every hour.

When I am treating early symptoms of a cold or bronchitis, not only do I hit it early... I hit it hard and often.

If I am using a nasal mister for my sinuses, an oral mister for chest issues, and/or combining these methods with taking colloidal silver orally, I use and consume colloidal silver as often as I feel symptoms. For my uses, I will take 1 to 2 Tblsp orally (1 to 2 sips) of 40ppm colloidal silver (that I make myself), and spray with dispensers, as often as hourly for the first 6 to 12 hours, or until I notice an elimination of symptoms.

When using spray dispensers, I typically use the nasal mister 6 to 8 times in each nostril, tilting my head back after use, making sure I can feel the colloidal silver coating the sinus cavity. (And if I feel a burning sensation in my sinus cavity, I know that I have inflammation. I know the colloidal silver is dealing with my sinus inflammation because the burning sensation is gone in 15 to 20 minutes.)

When using an oral mister/inhaler, I inhale at least 12 to 15 atomizer shots, or until I begin to feel the mist in my lungs.

Another shameless website promotion: We have misters, sprayers and atomizers available on our site.

Step 3: I use a HIGH-COLLOID DENSITY 40ppm colloidal silver product that I make myself instead of the standard 20ppm over-the-counter, retail colloidal silver product.

I discovered after years of use that a commercial colloidal silver product at a level of 20ppm was effective eventually. But a colloidal silver product at 40ppm was even more effective, saving time, saving a fortune in money, and vastly increasing effectiveness.

The challenge is to find a high-quality colloid product with a higher density of colloids. When I couldn't find a quality commercial product meeting these guidelines, I simply began making my own, with my own generator system.

One more shameless website promotion: I use the Basic Low-Voltage 24V Electric Generator Kit on this site to affordably make high-quality, stable, high-density colloidal silver at 40ppm.

Step 4: I am FEARLESS in my consumption of colloidal silver. I am INTUITIVE to my body's needs.

When my body is absorbing and using colloidal silver for its benefit, I can literally feel my body wanting more. It's basically an intuitive sense of "craving" the colloidal silver when I drink it and when I use the sprayers when I am fighting an illness. I do not fear taking too much colloidal silver during these times.

We've all been duped into believing we're going to turn blue if we take too much colloidal silver. We need to keep certain realities in mind: The condition argyria appears to be caused by consuming not only large quantities of colloidal silver over extended periods of time, but in consuming colloidal silver produced with salts. The presence of salts (either table salt or saline) generates the presence of silver chloride. Consuming large quantities of silver chloride over time appears to bring about the potential for the condition argyria.

The answer to all this is simple. I MAKE MY OWN high-quality, high-colloid density colloidal silver product, and I recommend you do too. The colloidal silver made from our generators has been tested and is confirmed to produce a very high level of numbers of 1nm to 2nm particles.

If you are not making your own colloidal silver, why not? When you are making your own colloidal silver, not only do you know exactly what you are making. You have complete control over the production process. And if you are making your own colloidal silver, you should have tests showing the quality of the colloidal silver you are producing by the people who make your generator. You may read about our tested colloidal silver generators on our site here.

Plus, you are saving A FORTUNE by making your own quality colloidal silver at home. You are producing extremely high-quality, 1nm to 2nm particle sized collodial silver for mere pennies per quart.

Final shameless website promotion: Our colloidal silver generators produce stable, highest-quality, effective colloidal silver with constant current low-voltage transformers, with an end product populated with a high-density level of 1nm to 2nm particles.

Step 5: I keep my colloidal silver usage regimen in place even after symptoms disappear.

This final step is very important. I put this step into place because, on occasion, I have stopped taking
colloidal silver intensively too soon, and symptoms have begun to show up again. So, I stay with a strong regimen 2 days after symptoms disappear.

So, even if I have experienced cold symptoms in the middle of the day, and by quickly dealing with the symptoms with colloidal silver, I have no symptoms by nighttime, I still continue using colloidal silver aggressively for a couple of days after symptoms have disappeared.

When I'm dealing with a specific health issue, when I've identified symptoms, when I've begun taking colloidal silver every 1 to 2 hours, when I've used only high-colloid density colloidal silver that I've made myself, I take 1 final step to complete the process: I continue taking colloidal silver for a time even after symptoms disappear.

When I experience no symptoms for a full 2 days, I move back to my daily colloidal silver regimen.

So, let's recap the 5 Steps:

-- I respond FAST to symptoms.
-- I hit it FREQUENTLY with doses at least every 1 to 2 hours.
-- I only use HIGH-COLLOID DENSITY colloidal silver.
-- When dealing with the onset of a cold, I am FEARLESS and INTUITIVE with my colloidal silver consumption.
-- I KEEP MY REGIMEN GOING at least 6 hours after symptoms disappear, and then taper off use gradually over a 2 day period.

I urge your to commit these steps to your own colloidal silver usage.
I've generated amazing results over the years using these 5 basic steps.
It's what makes colloidal silver invaluable to me and to my household.
Here's to your health!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Colloidal Silver is an Antibacterial, Antifungal and Antiviral Miracle

This is a great article to share with family and friends who may not be familiar with colloidal silver. It will let them know that you care!

by Ethan Huff

The element silver has long been recognized as a precious metal of significant value. In fact, prior to the early '60s, silver was used to make quarters and dimes because it held its value in weight. Silver is also utilized in a variety of industrial uses including imaging and photography, electronics, water purification, as well as various catalytic uses. It is a highly conductive metal that does not corrode so it works effectively in various chemical processes. Many people, however, remain unaware of the health-promoting benefits of silver.

In the early days of human civilization, it was discovered that silver helped keep things like water, milk, and vinegar pure for long periods of time. Since there was no refrigeration at the time, silver vessels were often used to preserve various foods and drinks during travel. One of the primary reasons why many ancient civilizations used silver eating utensils was due to the fact that silver prevented the growth of disease-causing pathogens. Silver's preservative, medical, germicidal, and antibacterial uses can be traced as far back as during the ancient Greek and Roman empires.

Western Medicine Discovers Silver

It wasn't until the late 1800s that western science began to rediscover the ancient truths about silver. One of the early documented uses of silver as a bactericide was in 1884 by a German obstetrician named Carl Crede. He effectively administered a 1% silver nitrate solution into the eyes of newborn infants in order to prevent the incidence of gonococcal opthalmia, a disease that causes blindness in newborns. Prior to the introduction of modern antibiotics, silver was used widely in hospitals and by doctors to combat infection and to dress wounds.

As scientific understanding progressed, silver compounds and colloids were developed and became widely used medicinally to treat all sorts of infectious diseases. In fact, by 1940, there were roughly four dozen different silver compound products on the market to treat every known infectious disease, available orally, topically, or by injection. It was generally recognized not only as safe when properly prepared, but tremendously effective.

Western Medicine Abandons Silver

With the advent of synthetic, patented drugs and antibiotics in the 1930s, there came the gradual abandonment of silver by mainstream medicine, at least for the most part. Since resistant strains of disease organisms had not yet surfaced at that time, there was newfangled fervor towards the new treatments as superior and technologically-advanced. Most of silver's uses lost favor with the exception of it being used as a water purifying agent and as a wound dressing.

Western Medicine Discovers Silver, Again

It wasn't until the 1970s that silver began to reemerge medicinally, thanks to research by Dr. Carl Moyer, then chairman of Washington University's Department of Surgery. With the help of Dr. Margraf, the department's chief biochemist, research into a viable antiseptic that was safe to use on burn victims over large areas of their body led to a silver solution as the top choice. What had quickly become a remnant of history was being resurrected from the grave of antiquated medical literature as a powerful disease fighter.

It recent years, silver has garnered some attention from medical experts who recognize that it is a highly powerful germicidal, antibacterial, and antifungal, while also entirely non-toxic to humans when prepared correctly.

Despite some negative press about argyria, a condition that results when a person perpetually ingests improperly-formulated silver solutions that have been prepared with silver salts and consequently receives a blue pigmentation in the skin, the truth remains that properly prepared silver solutions made by electrically-generated ions is an extremely potent disease preventative as well as treatment.

A 1988 laboratory test at the UCLA School of Medicine verified that bacteria, viruses, and fungal organisms are killed within minutes of being exposed to colloidal silver solutions. Dr. Robert Becker of Syracuse University also noted that in a study conducted at his school all the organisms tested were eliminated by the silver, including ones that were resistant to known antibiotics.

Properly-prepared silver treatments have no negative side effects and do not harm the good intestinal bacteria that are otherwise destroyed by conventional antibiotics when treating bacterial infections. It is precisely because silver cannot be patented that it has been mostly shrouded by the mainstream healthcare system. If it cannot be patented, it cannot make money and is thus a threat to the pharmaceutical monopoly on healthcare. While their antibiotics attempt to attack a few very specific strains of bacteria, constantly-mutating super bugs develop a resistance to this form of treatment. Contrarily, silver attacks the bacterial food source making even mutated forms defenseless against silver's powerful defense abilities.

Many medical professionals are catching on to silver's incredible qualities, however, and researchers continue to study it for its amazing antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial characteristics. It is incredibly effective and extremely inexpensive, especially when prepared at home. The process is simple and safe and involves no salt compounds; just silver, water, and electricity. Several producers construct and sell quality colloidal silver generators that allow one to make colloidal silver at home for as much as it costs to purchase distilled water. Colloidal silver solutions can also be purchased at most health food stores.

If it is time for you to begin making your own safe, effective, highest-quality colloidal silver at home, visit us at You can begin to make quality colloidal silver at home with complete kits starting at just $59.

About the Author:
Ethan Huff is a freelance writer and health enthusiast who loves exploring the vast world of natural foods and health, digging deep to get to the truth. He runs an online health publication of his own at

What Are The Health Benefits of Colloidal Silver?

This is a great general, easy to read article by CMHypno to read and share!

What is Colloidal Silver?

Colloidal silver has been a popular alternative remedy since the mid-1990s and is now used by thousands of people, but what is it and what are the health benefits of using it? Quite simply, it is a liquid suspension of microscopic silver particles, and this suspension is small enough to pass through human membranes and be easily absorbed by your body. It is very alkaline and is thought to boost the immune system and act as a natural antibiotic. It is known to be able to kill many bacteria, viruses and micro-organisms, and therefore is effective in helping many medical conditions, including acne, athlete’s foot, ringworm, yeast infections, parasitic infections, eczema, diabetes and cystitis.

How is Colloidal Silver Used?

It can either be taken orally or applied externally to a wound, burn or infection. Silver colloid sprays are often used to apply it externally to wounds, acne, burns or skin infections, and can also be sprayed around the mouth and the back of the throat to treat gum disease, bad breath and throat infections. If you plan to take it orally, it can be dropped into water and sipped, or drops can be placed directly under the tongue.

[If you are looking for collodial silver sprayers and dispensers, blogger recommends this site.]

History of Colloidal Silver

The use of silver as an antiseptic and as a natural antibiotic goes back a long way in history. Many ancient civilisations, such as the Greeks, Phoenicians and Romans were familiar with the properties of silver that helped to control infections, heal wounds and improve the length of time that food and drink could be stored. Occasionally, using too much silver caused the blue skin discolouration symptoms of Argyria, and it is thought that this could be where using the term ‘blue blooded’ for the upper classes comes from, as in earlier centuries they would have drunk from silver goblets and eaten off silver plate. Moreover, the popular saying ‘born with a silver spoon in his mouth’ may well come from the practice of wealthy European families during the Middle Ages and Renaissance giving their children a silver spoon to suck on to help ward off the plague. Similarly, cows used to be milked into silver buckets, as the silver in the bucket would help to keep the milk fresh for longer periods, even though it was not refrigerated.

The Russian czar, Alexander I, had the Imperial Army’s water casks lined with silver, so that his soldiers would not suffer any ill-effects from drinking river or lake water, and the Russian Army kept on with this practice until as late as the Second World War in some instances. The early settlers in North America used to have a custom of throwing a silver dollar into a well, as the antibacterial effects of the silver helped to keep the water safe to drink. The term ‘colloidal’ was coined in 1861 when Thomas Graham experimented and found that while certain solutions could pass through a membrane other solutions could not do so.

How Does Colloidal Silver Work?

It is thought to help prevent infections and be an effective natural antibiotic. It does this by acting as a catalyst. Bacteria, fungi and viruses contain an enzyme that they need to metabolise oxygen, and the colloidal silver debilitates this enzyme and thereby destroys the micro-organism and preventing it from causing any further damage in the human body. However, unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, the colloidal silver does not cause any damage to the friendly bacteria that the body relies on to function efficiently, as human tissue enzymes are very different from the tissue enzymes of the single-celled bacteria, viruses and fungi. Before the use of antibiotics became widespread in the mid-twentieth century, it was used by the medical profession to control bacteria and viruses, but in those days it was very expensive to produce. Antibiotics could be patented and were cheaper to manufacture and distribute, so the use of colloidal silver fell out of favour.

Are There Any Risks Associated with Taking Colloidal Silver?

It is not considered toxic in humans, animals or plants, as long not too much is taken for extended periods. As we have previously seen, single celled organisms are destroyed by colloidal silver because they metabolise oxygen differently to multi-cell organisms. It is not thought to cause allergic reactions, or interact badly with pharmaceutical drugs or herbal remedies. However, if too much is taken the skin and fingernails can take on a bluish tinge, which is the result of the excess silver being stored in the tissues of the body. This condition is called Argyria and should abate if the colloidal silver intake is reduced or stopped completely. Argyria is most commonly seen in silver miners and those who work in silver refining, creating silverware and electroplating and photographic processes, but can be induced by using too much colloidal silver over a long period of time as a dietary supplement. Although it is generally thought that the substantial amount of silver needed to cause Argyria in the human body usually does not cause any serious long term health issues, there have been rare cases where the sufferer has developed some painful and unpleasant clinical symptoms. As with all dietary supplements and complementary remedies, you should consult your physician before you start taking them if you are at all concerned about any possible harmful effects, or if you are taking prescribed medication.

How To Make Colloidal Silver: How is Colloidal Silver Created?

It is made by an electromagnetic process that pulls tiny fragments of silver off a larger piece of pure silver into distilled water. Each of the silver particles holds a small electric charge which keeps the particles suspended in the water, which then helps the silver particles to move around the body more easily. If it is correctly made, the ensuing suspension should be a clear liquid, or a very light-yellowish liquid, as the silver particles should be too tiny to reflect any light. If you are looking to get some colloidal silver and the suspension looks to be coloured with too much yellow, green, blue or red, it is probably not the best. [The battery generator at right is a design offered by this website.]

You can make your own at home if you get a colloidal silver generator. These are generally comprised of batteries attached to pure silver electrodes, which are then placed in water to create colloidal silver by low voltage electrolysis. If you want to produce a good quality colloidal silver, only use pure distilled water and do not put anything in the water, such as salt, in order to help conduct the electricity more effectively.

[You can also use low-cost, low-voltage electric home generators, like the generator shown here, to produce high-quality colloidal silver. This blog recommends small-particle generators, producing 1nm to 2nm sized particles, here.]

If you want to try colloidal silver and discover the health benefits of silver for yourself, you will find that it is readily available in many health foods shops.... You can also buy colloidal silver generators online, if you feel that you would like to have a go at making your own.

Thank you for visiting our blog! If you are looking for a means to produce high-quality, stable, safe, effective colloidal silver at home, visit us.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Colloidal Silver "Blue Man" is a Public Relations Fraud

(NaturalNews) The case of the legendary "Blue Man" whose entire body turned blue after taking a liquid concoction that the mainstream media continues to refer to as "colloidal silver" is a fraud. Contrary to what you may have heard about the incident, 57-year-old Paul Karason from California had not been taking real colloidal silver at all when he turned blue, and the entire charade appears to have been nothing more than a shock-factor story to detract the public from exploring the truth about properly-prepared silver colloids and their incredible power to heal when taken appropriately.

Karason was all over the news in 2008 after having developed a condition known as argyria, which is a permanent blue-ing of the skin caused by the ingestion of too many silver salts and proteins. Karason had been making his own silver mixture at home using salts and extended-length electrolysis to generate a silver chloride solution with large silver particles. In short, this high-risk blend, which is far different from the majority of ionic silver and silver colloid solutions sold at stores, built up in his body and caused him to turn blue.

"The Blue Man story became a major media disinformation event which was produced by a public relations firm and paid for by a pharmaceutical interest," says Purest Colloids, one producer of true silver colloid solutions. "The purpose of this campaign was to scare the public away from using colloidal silver products."

This makes sense when considering that thousands, if not millions, of people take ionic silver or silver colloids solutions on a regular basis without incident, and none of them are blue. Argyria, after all, is a very rare condition that only seems to come about as a result of consuming improperly-made silver solutions that contain too many silver particles that are too large in size, and that were made using the addition of salt.

In Karason's case, he admittedly took far more of his silver solution, which was already problematic to begin with, than any normal person would ever take for a typical health condition. And this, of course, is another glaring fact that has typically been left out of most mainstream news reports about Karason and his condition. Karason's case, in fact, is one of the only verifiable cases of argyria in the U.S., which shows just how uncommon and unlikely it truly is.

You can truly make quality, stable, effective, high-quality and AFFORDABLE colloidal silver from home. Set aside all the fears, as demonstrated by the article above. Use our YEARS of experience. And make your own quality colloidal silver at home. Visit us:

Thursday, May 29, 2014

A Mom Saves Her Son From MRSA with Colloidal Silver: "We saw a miracle happen before our eyes last summer, and will never forget it! We still have our son."

I just received this AMAZING testimonial from one of my customers. She uses our small-particle generator. And I think you'll read that making her own colloidal silver probably saved her son's life.

Here's her letter:
(Note: Graphic images to verify this testimonial were included with her letter and are posted below.)

In Aug 2013, my son, who is diabetic and cannot feel his feet, got an infection in his big toe that required amputation.  While in the hospital after surgery, it was discovered he had been infected with MRSA, and they told him it was in his bloodstream, and he was septic.  This required he stay in the hospital an additional 10 days on an IV antibiotic to make sure his blood was clear of the bacteria.

He returned home to recouperate, but on the 10th day woke up to his third (now second) toe being bright red.  (See picture 1)  He had some Colloidal Silver I had made for him and he took a few doses that day.  That silver was my usual 3 hour run and I estimated it at about 3-5ppm.  This was Tuesday morning.

By Wed. afternoon, about 36 hours later, his foot had turned a horrible red/blue/grey/purple color (see picture 2).  He told us he was not going to have it removed.  He didn't want to walk around on a stump and had had enough of the hospital.  He wasn't going back.  We knew we had to DO something!  I had a quart of Colloidal Silver at home that was a higher ppm because I had forgotten it one day and had let it run much longer than usual.  I don't know how many ppm it was, but it was strong!  I took this to him and told him to take a TBS full every hour that first day.  I know you will say that's WAY too much!  But we didn't know what else to try, and the MRSA was moving so fast through his system we had no time to waste!

That day, Wed afternoon, starting about 4pm till bedtime, he took the TBS dose of silver every time he got up out of his chair for anything, and a good dose before bed.  The next day his foot looked quite a bit better.  He kept taking the silver often during the next day, and about 36 hours after starting the higher ppm and dosing more often (hourly at first), his foot looked much more normal.  (see picture 3).

So in about 4 days his foot looked nearly normal, with just a little pink in the 3rd (2nd) toe (picture 4).  It only continued to get better in the following week and he hasn't had any more trouble with it since.  That was 9 months ago.  He's had no recurring infections, and he still takes smaller ppm doses of Colloidal Silver every day to hopefully control this infection in his system.  The higher ppm silver he only took for 3 days once his foot returned to nearly normal.

He watches carefully for any ingrown hairs, blisters, boils, sores, or broken skin, anything that could start the MRSA getting out of control again.  Any open skin has to be dealt with quickly, even if there's no sign of an active infection.  He recently had 3 pus filled ingrown hairs in a cluster on his chin.  We know this is often how MRSA starts out. He put Colloidal Silver on a bandage and covered it, keeping the bandage wet with Silver to avoid spreading the MRSA germs to surfaces around the house and others in his family. So far, everything he's put the Colloidal Silver on has very quickly cleared of any pussy leasions and healed over comepletely in a matter of days. He also tries to increase his swallowed doses of silver when he has an active infection on his skin somewhere so it won't spread to his bloodstream again.

I am so grateful to have Colloidal Silver available to help us fight back against these drug resistant infections that are becoming more and more common every day and can move through your system so fast there may not be time to get help.  It is deadly.  We can't waste time waiting days for a doctors' appointment.  A few days doesn't seem like much to most of us, but to my son, it may have been too late for him!  It was moving through his foot much too fast!  Having our own Colloidal Silver Generator gives me peace of mind because it allows me to keep enough CS on hand to take care of almost any infection that comes along quickly and inexpensively.

We saw a miracle happen before our eyes last summer, and will never forget it!  We still have our son, and our son still has his foot!  Well, most of it anyway.

We thank Robb and his CS Generator for that.  He has been great to work with.  Ordering is always quick and easy, and he always responds quickly to my emails.  If I have questions, he has answers.  And his generators are not expensive, and I have always gotten great results in all the batches of Silver I've made.

Thanks Robb!!
Aaron's mom, Laura M.
 North Central Kentucky

Blogger note: We are grateful for what we feel is a gift: Being able to make life-saving colloidal silver available to virtually anyone, for a price virtually anyone can afford. We hope you'll visit us:

Day 1: "This was the start of the infection in the 3rd toe that's all red here."

Day 2: "This is the infection 2 days later running all through his foot.  He also had red streaks starting up his ankle, which isn't in the frame here."

Day 3: "This was 2 days after he began large doses of silver."

Day 4: "This is a day (day 3) after his large doses of silver. It is almost completely healed. Barely any pink left on that 3rd toe. To us a really remarkable process!"

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Make Your Own Natural Health and Beauty Products Using Colloidal Silver

Colloidal Silver for Natural Health and Beauty

by Angela Kaelin

Health and beauty aids are important not only to physical health, but to mental health. When we look and smell good, we feel good. The health and beauty industry takes in hundreds of millions of dollars every year, and their commercial beauty aids represents a substantial expense for many people.

Besides being a drain on your wallet, research has shown that some of the ingredients commonly found in these high-priced commercial beauty products -- such as aluminum, propylene glycol, sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium fluoride and dioxins -- can pose serious health risks.

Completely avoiding all of them may not be practical or even possible, but colloidal silver provides some ways to ease your body's toxic burden by providing a healthier alternative for some of the most common commercial beauty products.

Here are a few ways colloidal silver can provide a healthier alternative and save you money. You’ll be amazed to find that colloidal silver combined with some common items that you may already have in your cabinets or that you can cheaply and easily obtain from your local health food store, can actually do a better job than anything you’ve ever used before!

All of the following recipes are very simple. The essential oils recommended are only those considered very safe, but for the sake of additional safety, don’t get any of these products into your eyes. They are all relatively inexpensive and available at health food stores.

Colloidal Silver Aftershave

This recipe is ideal for men with stiff beards who are inclined to getting bumps and ingrown hairs. Colloidal silver helps to soothe and heal any bumps or scratches. Witch hazel is a natural astringent that tightens the pores, moisturizes without being oily and can greatly benefit skin that’s prone to acne.

2 ounces of distilled water
2 ounces of colloidal silver
4 ounces of witch hazel (available at any department store, drug store, or health food store).
6-8 drops of lavender essential oil (optional)

Blend these ingredients in a bottle. Shake well before each application.

Healing and Detoxifying Mask for Men and Women

Women are much more accustomed to using detoxifying masks, and know the immediate positive results they can provide.

But, this simple mask is also recommended for men who may be having problems with ingrown hairs, bumps or blackheads.

It's great for anyone who wants to gently exfoliate and detoxify their skin.

Here's how to do it:

Blend old-fashioned oatmeal to a fine powder in a blender.

Put 1/4 cup of powdered oatmeal in a bowl.

Add 2 to 3 tbsp. of colloidal silver and blend into a paste with a spoon.

When you have a thin paste, apply this mixture to your face and neck. Let it remain for 10 to 15 minutes.

Bonus Tips: For increased detoxification, you can add a tbsp. of bentonite clay (available at health food stores) to the above recipe. This will help remove blackkheads, pimples, etc., and pull toxins from your pores. You may have to add a little extra colloidal silver if you choose to add the clay.

For moisturizing and skin-tightening benefits, add 1 tbsp. of honey to the above recipe.

Underarm and Personal Deodorant Spray

Many people are very sensitive to the ingredients in commercial antiperspirants and deodorants. If you're sensitive or just want an alternative to dangerous aluminum-containing antiperspirants, try thoroughly mixing the following ingredients in an 8 to 12 oz. spray bottle:

2 - 3 ounces of colloidal silver
6 - 9 ounces of distilled water
8 to 10 drops of lavender oil
8 to 10 drops of rosemary oil
8 to 10 drops of sage oil

Sage has a light action as a natural antiperspirant. Perspiration odors on the skin are produced by bacteria. Colloidal silver works as an excellent antibacterial and is extremely beneficial to the skin as well.

Rosemary and lavender are not only aromatic, but they have profound soothing and healing properties, too.

Shake this mixture well before each application.

Healthy Feet Soak

Sweet-smelling feet are healthy feet. If your poor, tired feet spend long hours in hot shoes, they need special treatment in order to maintain your health.

Treating your feet to this colloidal silver soak not only keeps dangerous fungal infections away, but it soothes the feet and helps your whole body to relax.

Ladies, this is an excellent after-work soak or pre-pedicure treatment.

Combine the following in a little tub or pan that you can fit your feet into.

1 qt. water
6-8 ounces of colloidal silver
1 tbsp. olive oil
1/2 cup Epsom salts or baking soda
20 drops of peppermint essential oil
20 drops of eucalyptus essential oil

Soak your feet for 15 or 20 minutes. Then dry feet and toes, thoroughly.

All-Natural Minty Flavored Mouthwash

Commercial mouthwashes are not safe products. Just the alcohol content alone in most of them can cause serious problems, including oral cancer.

You can use colloidal silver by itself as a safe, simple and inexpensive mouthwash. It stands on its own. But, if you insist on that “fresh minty taste” and want to make your own minty all-natural mouthwash, try combining the following ingredients in a bottle.

6 ounces distilled water
2-4 ounces colloidal silver
10-15 drops of peppermint oil or spearmint oil

Sometimes these two oils are available in the baking section of your grocery store. Or you can find them in just about any good health food store. They’re very inexpensive.

Like colloidal silver, both of these essential oils have natural anti-bacterial properties. Spearmint also has a reputation for healing gums and whitening teeth.

Shake this mixture well before each use.

Staying Healthy While Stretching Your Dollars

These are just a few of the many ways colloidal silver can help you stretch your dollars while providing you with some of the very best all-natural personal care products you'll find, anywhere.

Hollywood stars who are into natural health often end up paying through the nose to have all-natural recipes just like these made for them through local apothecaries. Yet they are extremely simple and inexpensive to make yourself.

Don't forget to share them with friends and family!

Visit us online to see how you can make safe, highest-quality small-particle colloidal silver at home:

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

This is a great article by Angela Kaelin called: Colloidal Silver Uses: Preventing and Treating Diseases in Cats and Dogs

This is a great article by Angela Kaelin regarding how colloidal silver can benefit our pets.

Ready to make stable, quality, safe and effective small-particle colloidal silver at home? Our small-particle generators (starting at $59 complete) are the most affordable on the web. Come visit us:

Colloidal silver works to destroy bacterial, fungal and viral infections in cats and dogs just as well as it does in human beings. Furthermore, because colloidal silver is odorless, almost tasteless and non-toxic, experts say you can use it for both dogs and cats internally and externally.

If you are looking for a healthy, alternative way to take care of your pets and avoid expensive veterinary bills, colloidal silver can go a long way in helping you achieve that goal. Whether you are looking for a disease preventative, a way to clean your pet and his bedding or deal with illness and injuries, it can help you.

It is a very inexpensive, easy to make and use alternative to pharmaceutical antibiotics, and it is much more effective at stopping preventing and treating diseases in animals.ore effective at stopping preventing and treating diseases in animals.

Colloidal Silver Knocks Out Deadly Canine Parvo Virus

For example, one of the deadliest and most feared viruses among dog and kennel owners is canine parvo. But, colloidal silver is a well-known alternative treatment for dogs suffering from parvo, and according to pet owners it has saved a lot of lives. On the other hand, conventional veterinary treatments fail because they only have antibiotics, which do nothing to stop viral infections. Yet, they prescribe them in cases of canine parvo and about 80% of the time, the dog dies.

It is Safe for Cats

Colloidal silver is also good for treating cats because it does not have a strong odor and will not be harmful to them if you put it on their fur. In cases where a cat suffers from a bacterial, viral or fungal skin condition, colloidal silver can be used.

While many essential oils are effective in combating such conditions and are often safe to use on dogs, they should never be used on cats. But, experts say you can use colloidal silver without fear.

Topical and Oral Treatments

Colloidal silver is an excellent alternative to both pharmaceutical antibiotics and prescription or over-the-counter anti-fungal treatments for cats and dogs. It can be given to your pet in his food or water or applied to his skin or fur a few times a day.

A few drops of colloidal silver on a cotton ball makes an excellent eyewash for pets with eye infections. Persian cats are especially prone to such infections and must have their eyes washed daily. Using colloidal silver provides extra antibiotic protection.

One or two drops of colloidal silver in the ears of a cat or dog with an ear infection is a safe, fast and effective way to safely treat them. There's no need for a trip to the veterinarian or expensive pharmaceuticals. A few drops of colloidal silver can do the job in a day or two.

More Ways to Keep Pets Healthy with Colloidal Silver

Many people like to brush their dogs' teeth. Colloidal silver can be applied directly into a pet's mouth to help reduce bacteria, heal oral tissues and keep the gums and teeth clean. For dogs, it can also be added to homemade tooth powders and rinses.

Whether your pets live indoors or outdoors, they will be healthier and cleaner and so will you when you use colloidal silver.

Keep your pet's bedding clean and free of bacteria and parasites when you regularly spray it with undiluted colloidal silver and allow it to air dry.

One or two tablespoons of colloidal silver in your pet's food or water dish will keep his immune system strong and help prevent disease.

Preserve opened cans and containers of pet food in the refrigerator and make it last a few days longer by adding a few drops of colloidal silver to it.

If your pet is injured, spray or dab colloidal silver on the wound. If possible, bandage it until it heals.

Your dogs and cats are part of your family. Care for them like family members with colloidal silver and protect them from unnecessary visits to the veterinarian. Your cats and dogs will be healthier and live longer.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Great article from with 10 Ways to Heal Yourself with Colloidal Silver

A great article from!

Visit our website to make your own high-quality, stable, effective colloidal silver at home.

(NaturalNews) Colloidal silver consists of silver atoms suspended in distilled ion-less water. The particles of silver are small enough to penetrate on a cellular level and destroy pathogens of all types, including bacteria, fungal spores, parasites, and viruses.

Not only does silver get rid of pathogens, it helps promote rapid healing of the tissues infected or destroyed. Most burn centers use various forms of silver and silver soaked bandaging for burn victims.

You can buy colloidal silver online or in good health food stores or make your own cheaply and easily. Colloidal silver has many applications and is easy to apply. It has no adverse side effects. It leaves beneficial bacteria intact. Reports of argyria (skin turning blue) are greatly exaggerated.

The Medical Mafia has a tendency to blow up rare incidents of minor adverse effects from natural remedies and blow them up as scare tactics while ignoring the hundreds of thousands of annual adverse side effects from correctly prescribed pharmaceuticals.

Ten ways to use colloidal silver for self healing

1) You can spray it onto burns to prevent infections and promote faster healing without scarring.

2) You can also spray or dab it onto ringworm, boils, herpes sores, and warts for faster healing.

3) If you're having bronchial problems or walking pneumonia, you can put some colloidal silver in a nebulizer and breathe it into your bronchial area and lungs directly.

4) Small amounts taken daily as a tonic will give what some call a second immune system to guard against flues and colds. Easy and inexpensive if you make if you make your own.

5) Colloidal silver drops can be used for ear infections without any harmful side effects. Some use it for eye and nasal infections as well. Perhaps it can be injected anally with an enema bulb to help cleanse the colon.

6) It can be applied topically for vaginal yeast infections or oral thrush (yeast infection). Could be useful for chronic jock itch as well.

7) Colloidal silver can be used by pregnant women to assist fetal development and easier delivery of the newborn child.

8) It can be taken early with the onset of a cold, flu, or bronchitis to get over it quickly without harming beneficial bacteria. Antibiotics kill good and bad bacteria.

9) Colloidal silver can be used successfully to combat MRSA infections. MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is a staph infection that can be fatal and is now resistant to antibiotics. It usually occurs during hospital stays, but has become rampant enough to originate outside hospitals (

10) There has been some success using colloidal silver with AIDS patients. It adds a layer of needed additional immunity while destroying existing pathogens.

More about colloidal silver

Early 20th Century western medicine used silver as a prime antibiotic and anti-fungal until the 1930s. Then antibiotics became a major source of Big Pharma revenue.

As more and more antibiotics were created, the pathogenic microbes began evolving into resistant strains to them. The health dangers imposed by antibiotics by destroying friendly gut flora needed for digestion and immunity were disregarded.

Antibiotic use lowers immunity by destroying the good bacteria along with the bad. Lately, some fluoroquinolone based antibiotics have even permanently and painfully crippled those who had been prescribed them (

Since silver seems to act by stifling the enzymes pathogens use for survival, pathogens are unable to develop resistance to them. Fortunately, alternative medicine has re-discovered colloidal silver for healing all sorts of ailments.

Monday, February 17, 2014

"The Best Colloidal Silver Generator"-- A Customer Review

This email came to us recently, and with all the tips and uses included in the letter, we simply had to share it. We hope you'll come visit our site:

Good morning, Robb!

My package arrived on January 6th at 11:00 AM. Wow. I have to admit, you cut NO corners when it comes to proper packaging! Could well be the best packed shipment of anything I've ever ordered.

I can scarcely believe how easy it is to manufacture a quart batch of colloidal silver. To date, I have made three quarts -- I filled up my oral and nasal misters and a few pint bottles for use around my home. (I really like those PETE amber containers; they are very easy to decant into other bottles/devices). I have been "experimenting" with my finished product in many ways already. I have been pouring 1/4 cup into my washing machine rinse water, adding a couple of tablespoons into by dish pan before washing dishes, spraying my bathroom and kitchen countertops and surfaces, and adding two tablespoons to every gallon jug of water I keep in my refrigerator. No more harsh antibacterial cleaners or Clorox for me!

The last time I stripped the bed, I even went so far as to vacuum off all sides of my mattresses and spritz all surfaces with my new "germ killer". I figured there was no way it could do any harm and would probably be quite beneficial. Then I began to look at all the many personal care products whose main ingredient is, of course, water. Well, guess what? My shampoos, conditioners, moisturizers, and more, now have a healthy dose of colloidal silver as an ingredient. Seem that you are limited only by your imagination.

I was also very happy with the laser pointer. My old one used those very expensive button-type batteries -- I probably could have purchased two of the ones you offer for less than replacement batteries for my old pointer. Love the fact it uses "regular" pen-light cells.

To be honest, I know that I have already more than paid for my generator when you consider the exorbitant prices they charge for the end-product in stores. I figure that the most expensive item for the manufacturing process is the distilled water -- and that is pretty darned inexpensive. The electrical energy consumption must be nominal at most.

So, what you say is true -- you can make your own super-high grade nano-particle colloidal silver for way less than $2.00 per GALLON!
Anyway, Robb, I wish to thank you again not only for your promptness in shipping my order, but also providing consumers with a top-notch manufacturing system that pays for itself after the first use. You are to be commended. Thank-you so much for everything. (And do not be surprised should you hear back from me in the future regarding additional uses I've come up with!)

Sincerely, Craig J. (New York)

We hope you will visit us, and begin making your own colloidal silver at home:

Sunday, January 19, 2014

More on Colloidal Silver and Cancer – Is It Really the Hope?

Cancer is a disease scientists have been studying for decades now and claim to have gained proper understanding of how it affects our bodies. However, a cost-effective and sure-shot cure is still missing.  We have already discussed the possibilities of curing cancer through colloidal silver. Today, we will discuss a new development in this aspect.

Nanoparticle silver, as we discussed previously, causes the cancer cells to revert. Due to this reason, the cancer is cured in a manner that ensures it will never begin again. The Independent Cancer Research Foundation has discovered the effects of colloidal silver when combined with DMSO. This has lead to the invention of the DMSO/Colloidal Silver protocol.

Does DMSO/Colloidal Silver Work?

DMSO is a solvent used with many pharmaceutical products. It has the ability to reach the cell and increase its permeability by changing the water molecule structure. The DMSO/Colloidal Silver protocol does more than what nanoparticle silver can do alone. It controls cancer by actually transforming the affected cells into healthy cells.

It takes 2 or 3 weeks for a cancer cell to restore its normal functionality and health. Since the cells are healed and not killed, the cell count is not decreased in the body. This brings two benefits incomparable to any other treatment.

2 Big Benefits

Firstly, the cost as compared to mainstream treatments is an incalculable savings.

Secondly, the recovery time is considerably shorter. As a matter of fact, the treatment itself starts the process of recovery inside the cells.

Also, the treatment procedure is easy. A certain amount of the colloidal silver and DMSO solution must be consumed several times a day. The quality of products matters a lot in this aspect and as usual we suggest you to make colloidal silver at home instead of relying on off-the-shelf products.

I encourage you to visit our site to discover how simple, economical and easy it is to produce stable, quality nanoparticle colloidal silver at home. You’ve probably never thought you’d be able to produce nanoparticle silver for an initial setup cost of just $59. But you can!

Thanks for finding us! We look forward to seeing you again soon.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Safe or Toxic – What New Research Says About Nanoparticle Silver

A lot people who are new to the world of natural remedies might wonder what the difference is between nanoparticle silver and colloidal silver. Well, we can say that they are the same thing, but given the variety of products sold under the label of colloidal silver, this topic can be a bit misleading.

The most appropriate way to describe colloidal silver is to say that it is a suspension of nanoparticle silver in water. Therefore it carries all the qualities and benefits of nanoparticle silver. However, there have been a lot of concerns regarding the effects of nanoparticle silver in our body. Some people claim that it is toxic and long-term usage can have side effects. Such claims, although not backed by any scientific proof whatsoever, do leave some with doubts and concerns.

So, today, we are going to clear those concerns in the light of modern medicinal research.

First of all, all the adverse effects of colloidal silver you have heard of may not be wrong. However, those adverse effects have hardly anything to do with nanoparticle silver. The truth is, most off-the-shelf products in the market do not even contain nanoparticle silver. They contain ionic silver, i.e. larger particles. Larger particles of silver do have the risk of accumulating in our system and organ linings. While a small amount of ionic silver is completely harmless, long-term and consistent usage may increase the silver concentration to a toxic level.

Thanks to modern science, it is now possible to synthesize silver and create tiny (1nm to 2nm) nanoparticles that can be easily absorbed and excreted by our body. Our colloidal silver generator is based on such research and guarantees its results. So, don’t hold back just because you heard someone saying something about the toxicity issue, and don’t fall for products that may actually might prove those allegations right. Be careful, and get a generator to safely use colloidal silver you have made in your own home.

Our complete nanoparticle generators start at just $59, and you can find them here on our website. And you can read about our own tests and results here. We hope you'll visit our site, and view our simple generator setups.

Thanks for finding us! We hope to hear from you soon.